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marwan Abujaber

Marwan Abujaber graduated with a BA in Economics from Washington University in 1989. He wasted no time in recognizing the sector in which he can contribute the most within the family's many business interests; its thriving beverage business.


However, there are no shortcuts within the Abujaber's Group. Marwan had to couple his academic knowledge with years of diligent practical experience, in Jordan and the Netherlands, before he could take the helm of General Investment Company, the Group's beverage producer.


To evaluate how Marwan Abujaber performed in retrospect, we needn't look further back than 2010 wherein GIC increased its profits over 120% with him as a CEO.


In parallel, Marwan was a key player in almost all of Abujaber Brothers' ventures over the past two decades.


Being part of many of Abujaber's ventures involving bringing the best of technology into Jordan, not least of which Jordan's first ever ISP – GlobalOne, Marwan developed a thorough understanding of technology and coupled that knowledge with his passion for the entertainment business; this resulted in his starting of Trans Jordan for Light & Sound, which is now considered one of the biggest and best equipped light and sound provider across Jordan and the Middle East.


In addition to his key roles within the Group, Marwan is considered a dynamic force in most of the local and foreign investments of Abujaber Brothers, and his youthful spirit is often the inspiration behind fresh ideas realized by the Group.

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