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Word of founder

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Dr. Raouf Abujaber

"It has always been my belief that one's pursuit of wealth or happiness is never complete or meaningful if one is not able to positively affect the lives of others. I have sought, in life as well as in business, to fulfill this belief.


Regardless of what I would say, Abujaber Group is synonymous with firsts in Jordan… and I have been asked the same question often over the years; how did you do it?

The answer is simple really. Believe in the history you belong to, the land you cherish, the people you love, and the nation you serve, and you would embrace each meaningful leap or venture whole heartedly.


I am indeed proud of our Group's firsts, but I am even more fulfilled and encouraged by how we turned these firsts into highly credible and lucrative investments contributing significantly to the growth of our community here in Jordan.


We were fortunate to have been part of almost every significant sector within Jordan – telecom, IT, tourism, food and beverage, industry, banking, and services, and we were equally blessed with capable partners along the way.


As we entered into ventures beyond Jordan's borders, I have found that the strength of our base at home was always a key contributor to these ventures' success.


 In every investment we made, I measured the success not only by ROI but also by impact on people's lives. And I can confidently say that Abujaber Investment Group is a living part of this community's economy, culture, legacy, and future.


 My humble take on turbulence faced by many investments around the world is that, more often than not, they seek to reap quick profits regardless of the consequences. We all know what that did to the global economy over and over again.


 Looking back, I still find no reason to change the beliefs I started with over 60 years ago. A good investment is a solid, meaningful, and impactful one which you can look back at, years after you exited it even, and be proud of.


 I am blessed to have Ziad and Marwan upholding the legacy of Abujaber, and I look forward to seeing them bringing in more firsts, more good news to our stakeholders, and more competent partners."

© 2020 Abujaber Investments
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